Written by Claire Folland on 13 July 2020

Emotional fatigue from the constant change during COVID-19

Many people are currently working from home due to the social distancing requirements of COVID-19. There has been a need to be proactive and creative in managing the challenges this presents.

As the initial response phase of COVID-19 moves forward to the next phase, we are faced with the reality of a “new normal”. There is the potential that we can experience an emotional fatigue that can come with the stress of a constant response to the change. Communication is essential for early intervention and effective solutions to the negative affects of stress on our mental health. Consider the following to keep yourself on track:

  • Keep a routine, whatever works for you.
  • Wake at your regular time (and finish work at a regular time)
  • Shower and get dressed for the day.
  • Schedule exercise and time outdoors, where possible.
  • Schedule regular online catch ups with colleagues, friends, and family.

Video meeting platforms have provided a great way to recreate the regular face to face contact that we would normally have. However, as restrictions ease, there may be some unexpected anxiety and apprehension as we return to the workplace and social gatherings. If you are struggling there are lots of resources that can help. There are also some great resources you can access that provide strategies for mental health support:

Employers and employees have a responsibility for health and safety in the workplace and this duty of care extends to remote work requirements, including work from home arrangements. (NSW) Work Health & Safety Act 2011.  If you want more information about WH&S obligations and ergonomics considerations to support your business, we would love to hear from you.

Always report any problems to your workplace. If symptoms of pain or discomfort persist, advice from a medical professional may be appropriate.

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